Health and Safety In Tenants Homes
Cunninghame Housing Association places strong emphasis on the Health and Safety of our homes.
Yearly we have to cap/force access to over 100 properties where access has been refused to service the boiler. Often tenants have no credit in the pre-payment meters and the service cannot be finished. The meter is capped until gas credit is put in the meter. We would like to avoid doing this. We aim to work with them to assist them with their gas to make sure their homes are properly heated. We refer tenants to Lemon Aid our energy advice company who can help with debt and fuel vouchers.
We will also approach Health and Safety like we do for Electrical Safety as we do for Gas Safety. We have started a programme of testing the electrical safety of all homes on a 5 year cycle.
After the Grenfell Tower fire, new legislation began to improve the coverage and operation of fire detectors in homes. This is a law we will force access where necessary to make sure the property and occupants are safe.
Mobility Scooters and E-Bikes
The Association will not give permission for storing of these items in any internal area, including common areas. This is due to the fire risk involved. Permission may be requested for external storage; this will be considered with conditions.