Direct Works
For Tenants
The majority of repairs are carried out by Direct Works, our in-house team of fully qualified operatives.
We will give you a responsive repair service, alongside the planned maintenance programme.

Reporting Repairs
Our emergency repairs number is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Outwith office hours, calls are handled by our contractor, James Frew Ltd.
When you report a repair, you should give as much detail as possible. This is so we can assess the work and make sure we send the right Tradesperson with the right tools. We will tell you when the repairs should be finished. We will also let you know whether staff will need to inspect the repair before instructing our Operatives.
You should also give a contact number where possible, and give details of when you can let us in.

Emergency Repairs Team: 0800 068 1466
24 hours per day, 7 days per week
What you can expect

Emergency: Made safe in 4 hours, 24 hours to restore

Urgent: Carried out within 2 working days

Repair by appointment: Repair carried out on an agreed date

Minor Part Replacement: Carried out ASAP (depending on products in stock)

Emergency Repairs: 0800 068 1466, 24 hours per day - 7 days a week
Some repairs may take longer to finish if we realise they are more complicated or we need to order parts.
We will always begin the repair within the target time and let you know if there will be a delay.
Report a non emergency repair online
Using our easy to fill out form
Who Is Responsible For What?
Most repairs to your home are our responsibility. However, certain items are your responsibility and the information below lists these responsibilities.
- Maintaining the heating systems
- Painting and repairing the shared areas or closes
- Reglazing windows (if you have told police and the damage was not caused by your or your visitors)
- Maintaining sanitaryware (toilet bowls, cisterns, etc) – not including toilet seats.
- Maintaining hot and cold water in the property
- Maintaining kitchen fitments and fixtures – taking account of fair wear and tear
- Arrange other repairs at a time that best suits you.
- Tell you at least two months in advance of any planned investment in your home, i.e. new kitchen or bathroom.
- Clean up after ourselves following any repair carried out in your home.
- Carry out repairs and maintenance in agreed timescales
- Replacing lost keys or forcing entry (we can do this for you but you will be charged)
- Look after and decorate your home
- Cleaning shared areas – (unless this is a chargeable service we give)
- Clearing blocked waste pipes – caused by fat or household items
- Resetting tripped circuit breakers
- Replacing plugs and chains on baths, sinks and wash hand basins
- Damage caused through neglect of the property by you, family, or visitors
- Allow access for to repairs and maintenance
Some emergency and urgent repairs are covered by the ‘Right to Repair’ rules for Scottish Secure tenants. When you tell us about a problem, we will tell you whether the repair falls under this scheme.
You can view information on the Right to Repair here.
Right to repair means that if we do not deal with qualifying repairs within the agreed timescale, you have the right to appoint another contractor from our approved list to carry out the work. You are also eligible for compensation for the inconvenience if the repair is not carried out.
The list below shows the repairs that we class as emergency items:
- Gas escapes
- Burst pipes causing flooding
- Blocked drain or soil pipe causing a serious leak of sewage into your home
- Blocked toilet
- No hot- or cold-water in the property
- No gas central heating if no other form of heating is available in the property
- Broken or damaged door lock or door locks*
- Broken or damaged windows
- Broken handrail to stairs
- Serious roof leak or water leaking into the property
- No electrical power to the home
- No electrical power for lighting
- *We will only repair items 7 and 8 if the fault is due to vandalism and you have told the police.
When we receive your repair, we will decide whether to arrange for one of our staff to inspect the problem. If not, we will ask our Direct Works Team or contractor to come out. We normally try to have the repair passed directly to an Operative. The more information you can give us, the better our chances of getting the repair done quickly and effectively.
Once finished, we sometimes check that it has been done to proper standards and is value for money. A member of staff may arrange to inspect the finished repair. They will ask you for your views on the quality of work and the overall service you received. If there are any problems, we will arrange for them to be resolved.
We make sure our contractors are fully qualified and have up-to-date insurance certificates, as well as other accreditations where suitable. We also expect them to work to an agreed code of conduct.
For example, they must keep to current health and safety rules. They will be polite and show respect for your home and keep any disruption to a minimum. All our contractors carry official company identification which you should always ask to see before letting them into your home.
You should get our permission before starting improvements or changes to your home. This could be putting in a shower or a new kitchen.
We will consider all reasonable questions and give advice on how to go ahead. We will not unreasonably withhold our permission to carry out improvements, although it will normally depend on certain reasons.
This may be due to the standards of workmanship and making sure work is carried out by fully qualified contractors. You or your contractor must repair any damage to our property as a result of the improvement work.
You can submit an alteration request here.
At the end of your tenancy, you may qualify for compensation for improvements that you have carried out. This is with our permission. You can get more information from us about the types of work that may qualify for compensation.
We may charge you for the cost of repair work in the these circumstances:
- Damage due to neglect or vandalism, or accidental damage caused by you or your household or visitors to your home.
- Damage caused by unauthorised alterations or installations.
- Replacing lost or stolen keys.
- If possible, we will give you a rough cost before the repair is carried out.
- Your tenancy is ending and were given notice to fix damage or alterations identified during the ‘pre-termination of tenancy inspection’.
- You may be recharged for attendances for staff and contractors where we have had to organise a forced entry to undertake Health & Safety inspections and where access has not been given on at least two previous occasions.
It is your responsibility to decorate the inside of your home and you should keep your home well decorated.
There is a different repairs procedure If you move into our homes within 12 months of it being built. This is because the property is still in the ‘defects liability’ period. You should still tell us about this in the normal way.
We will then pass them on to the contractor to carry them out. If the problem is minor and isn’t likely to cause further damage, it will be put on a work list. That is done at the end of the ‘defects liability’ period. This lets the contractor arrange for all the minor repairs in the scheme to be done at the same time.
We are not responsible for dealing with pest problems in your home. You need to contact your local council’s pest control or environmental health department and ask for their advice. The advice is free but some councils charge for their service, so ask them what the cost may be. You will find contact numbers here, with more information available by clicking on your local council:
North Ayrshire Council
East Ayrshire Council Pest Control
Dumfries & Galloway Pest Control
If you come across pests in shared areas, such as bin stores or closes, contact us at once. We will investigate and carry out the work recommended by the local council.
You can view these local council websites for further information on Pests & Vermin Control.
We want to make sure that people can stay in their homes as long as possible. If a medical problem affects your ability to get around, we can carry out adaptations to your home to help.
If you need your home adapted, you should have an assessment by one of your local council’s occupational therapists. They would then apply to us for you.
Cyclical repairs are needed within a certain time such as electrical safety checks and painting closes and fences. These are routinely carried out based on the life cycle of the item which needs repairing and maintaining.
Condensation happens when there is a build-up of moisture in the air and warm, damp air hits a cold surface. This moisture will cling to certain surfaces including leather, outside walls, tiles, mirrors and windows. If this moisture is not dried out with natural ventilation, it may turn into mould. To avoid this you should try:
- Producing less moisture by covering boiling pans
- Drying clothes in well-ventilated rooms
- Using air vents or opening windows
- Keeping your home warm (so the moisture can dry out)
- Wiping down mould (you can use diluted bleach, a mixture of white vinegar and water or specialist cleaning products)
- Not using Calor gas or paraffin heaters
- Using extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms (most have them fitted)
Reporting a Repair
If you would like to report a repair you can use the form on this page to send it. A member of our Repairs Team will contact you as soon as possible. If your repair is an emergency you can call our Direct Works Repair Line on: 0800 068 1466
Contacting us regarding an emergency repair
Direct Works Repair Line
(emergency out of hours repairs)
0800 068 1466
CHA Direct Works Repair Reporting Form
Please note that this form is not for reporting an emergency repair. If your repair is an emergency you can use our “Emergency Out Of Hours Repair” number 0800 068 1466
What Our Tenants Think

An amazing improvement to the upstairs bathroom!

Amazing work, the Bathroom is beautiful

Excellent in all correspondence I have had with all staff I dealt with or met with at CHA Ltd

Outstanding service from Plumber and Joiner!