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Application to Keep a Pet and Formal Agreement

Formal Agreement To Keep a Pet

  • You are responsible for the behaviour of the pet and it must be supervised, kept under control and not allowed to cause nuisance or annoyance to neighbours, visitors, Association staff or contractors. This includes fouling, noise and odours.
  • Dogs must be kept on a lead in the common areas or on Association grounds and not allowed outside a tenant’s property unaccompanied.
  • You must ensure the pet does not cause any damage to your property, neighbours property or surrounding areas including communal areas maintained by the Association.
  • You will not allow the pet to be exercised in communal areas and are responsible for cleaning up of any fouling.

Tenant Agreement Statement

I confirm that I am in agreement to abiding by the conditions set out by the Association above in order that permission to keep my pet is granted. I/we understand that if the conditions are breached the Association will withdraw the permission granted and I/we will require to remove the pet within a period of two weeks.
By typing your name here you are digitally signing this application form and confirm that you have read and fully understood the condition on keeping a pet and understand your responsibilities under the terms of your tenancy agreement. 
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