Are You Unemployed and Live In North Ayrshire?
We deliver Fair Start Scotland employment support service on behalf of the Scottish Government. We support as many people as we can into sustainable work.
It’s your choice!
Taking part in Fair Start Scotland is completely voluntary.
Who we help
We help lots of people from different backgrounds every day, including but not limited to single parents, people with health issues facing barriers to work, ethnic minorities, people from deprived areas *.
* get in touch for an informal eligibility check.
You’ll get:
- a tailored employability support package
- an up to date CV
- interview preparation
- help with your jobsearch
- access to vacancies
- access to online digital courses
- health and wellbeing support
- in-work support helping you stay in work
How To Contact Fair Start Scotland
Register Your Interest on the website: www.startscotland.scot
Call Lee Hamilton on: 07476 849708
or send an email to lee.hamilton@thelennoxpartnership.org