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Sub Commitee Structure

The Board of Management has an overall responsibility to create Sub-Committees and working groups.
Board Of Management Responsibility

The Board of Management has an overall responsibility to create Sub-Committees and working groups as are considered necessary for the efficient running of the Association. This Association at present operates the following Sub Committees:

  • Board Of Management
  • Three Main Sub Committees
  • Other Sub Committees
Board Of Management

An ordinary meeting of the Board of Management is normally held once every 7 weeks. The meetings will commence at 2.00pm and normally end at 4.00pm. Any additional meetings will be agreed by the Board of Management.

Three Main Sub-Committees

Ordinary meetings of the three of the main Sub-Committees are normally held quarterly. The meetings commence at 2.15pm and normally finish at 4.15pm on a Thursday. The Development Sub-Committee Meetings commence at 2.00pm and normally finish at 4.00pm. Any additional meetings will be agreed by the Sub-Committees. All Board Members will be expected to serve on at least two Sub-Committees.

Other Sub-Committees

Internal Audit Sub Committee meetings are normally held immediately before the Corporate Services Sub Committee Meetings commencing at 2.00pm.

Skills and Succession Planning Sub-Committee meetings are normally held quarterly with the meetings commencing at 12.15 pm.

Staffing Sub-Committee is an ADHOC Sub-Committee which only meets if and when required to deal with staff disciplinary issues.

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