Pictured left to right: Steven Grant with Jodie the guide dog, John Kelly, Chairperson of CHA, Alan Bell and Yvette Robertson
On Tuesday 26th July 2022 John Kelly, Chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association presented a cheque for £1,000 to Alan Bell BCAe, Executive Manager of The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety along with volunteers, Steven Grant and Yvette Robertson.
The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety is a national charity based in Ardrossan. They provide personal safety, conflict resolution, lone worker and practical self-defence training to businesses, groups and educational establishments as well as supporting people from vulnerable backgrounds.
The Charity has been working on plans to create a café within their courtyard area – both to benefit their clients and the local community and have just recently been granted planning permission to carry out the build. This will provide a safe environment out with the main training hall for clients to relax, laugh, swap similar life stories and build friendships. The café will also give local people a chance to interact in a less formal way.
The funding provided by Cunninghame Housing Association will assist with the building costs that are involved in creating a café for clients to use whilst improving the facilities that are available.
“We are delighted to be able to provide financial assistance to help make this dream a reality for all of the clients that currently use the service as well as encouraging new ones that will benefit from such a facility.”JOHN KELLY, Chairperson, CHA
The funding for The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety came from the Association’s “Making Our Communities a Better Place Fund” which operates throughout the year (1st April to 31st March) until the allocated funding is exhausted.
Local Groups or individuals interested in finding our more about the Associations “Making Our Communities Better Places” Fund can do so by following the link below or downloading the application form.
The “Making Our Communities Better Places” fund team are happy to answer any questions you may have.