Pictured left to right: Les McCammont, Committee Member of Ardrossan Highland Games, John Kelly, Chairperson of CHA, Tom McCammont, Committee Member of Ardrossan Highland Games
On Monday 11th April 2022 John Kelly, Chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association presented a cheque for £1,000 to Tom and Les McCammont, Committee Members of the Ardrossan Highland Games.
The Ardrossan Highland Games is organised by a group of hard-working volunteers from Ardrossan who manage to create one of the major annual events in North Ayrshire. Ardrossan has hosted the Highland Games since June 1979 and have taken place every year since, however due to Covid, it has not been held for the past 2 years. Traditionally the Games are held on the second Sunday of June at the Memorial Fields in Ardrossan, (this year 12th June 2022) and is expected to attract circa 4,000 visitors. It provides an opportunity for young talented individuals to showcase their abilities, i.e., Dancers, Pipers etc. It also provides a platform for many local charities to highlight their issues and fundraise.
The funding for The Ardrossan Highland came from the Associations “Making Our Communities a Better Place Fund” which operates throughout the year (1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022) until the allocated funding is exhausted.
We are delighted that the Games are returning this year and appreciate the ongoing support from Cunninghame Housing Association.The Ardrossan Highland Games Committee
The Association are delighted to support the Ardrossan Highland Games and help keep up a local tradition. The Games will be sure to provide the local community with a fun filled day as well as giving local charities a chance to highlight their issues and raise much needed funds”.JOHN KELLY, Chairperson, CHA
Local Groups or individuals interested in finding our more about the Associations “Making Our Communities Better Places” Fund can do so by following the link below or downloading the application form.
The “Making Our Communities Better Places” fund team are happy to answer any questions you may have.