Quayside Offices, Dock Rd, Ardrossan, KA22 8DA

Moving Out

Tenant Services
Moving out

When moving out of your home, you must give us 28 days’ notice to end your tenancy agreement.

We will ask you to fill in a tenancy termination form. If you are a joint tenant, you can also end your part of the tenancy by giving us and each of the other joint tenants four weeks’ notice.

The date your tenancy ends will be 28 calendar days from the date we receive your written notice. However, in certain circumstances we may make the end date less than 28 days.

Once we receive your termination notice, we will contact you to arrange a ‘pre-termination inspection’. You must leave the property clean and in good condition and remove any personal belongings or furniture. This includes making sure that any repairs which are your responsibility are completed. If you do not, we will charge you for doing this work.

You must make sure your rent account is up to date and that you have paid any other amounts you may owe us. We may want to carry out small repairs needed to let the property again. However, we will tell you when we do this.

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